It's typical during the holidays to have at least one holiday party to attend. We make allowances for delicious foods we normally might not eat, and we may consume more spiked egg nogs than we intended. The problem with this is that we aren't always aware of any...
When Your Life Is On The Line
Month: December 2015
Assets that may not need to go through probate
If you discover that you have been named an executor to a loved one’s estate, or if you already know that you will be responsible administering his or her estate, the probate process may be completely unfamiliar to you. This is understandable, and you may have fears...
Florida Supreme Court clears medical marijuana ballot measure
The use of marijuana for medicinal purposes has always been the subject of controversy. Some states have legalized the drug for this purpose, while a smaller number have even made use and possession for recreational purposes acceptable. But in Florida the possession...
Florida sheriff’s deputy charged with manslaughter
Not everyone who is accused of a crime is the stereotypical "hardened criminal type." Anyone is capable of breaking the law, including those charged with upholding it; and when they are so accused, they can face the same potentially severe penalties as the average...
What can happen to your debts after you pass away?
If you are up in age and are dealing with crushing debt, you may wonder what happens to your debt after you pass away. After all, it is a legitimate concern for elderly Nevada residents, as they certainly don’t want to be a burden on their families, and they may not...
Florida Senate considers “stand your ground” changes
In July of this year the Florida Supreme Court held that anyone seeking to use the "stand your ground" defense in this state -- which allows for the use of deadly force without a duty to retreat in cases where those using the defense claim that it was necessary to use...