Whenever it comes time to think about the fate of funds, assets and how to take care of one's family, it can be difficult to know where to begin or how to approach a unique situation. The fate of a few celebrity estate plans in recent years has shown people in Nevada...
When Your Life Is On The Line
Heirs & Beneficiaries
Estate planning mistakes can be easy to make in Nevada
Estate planning should not be a one size fits all kind of journey. Whenever a Nevada family or individual ventures into the estate planning process, there are a few areas of concern that can be costly if not handled properly. It is important for individuals and...
Estate planning tips for childless couples in Nevada
The estate planning process typically entails deciding to whom to leave assets and funds. But, for some Nevada couples and individuals, that may not be so easy. For those without children or who wish to leave assets or funds to others aside from family, the estate...
Gandolfini estate planning mistakes can help Nevada residents
The estate planning process is highly personal and can be difficult for many people to think about. Some people in Nevada and elsewhere may also wrongfully assume that estate planning is only for those who have millions to leave behind. However, everyone needs to take...
Estate planning options for adult children in Nevada
The estate planning process can be a highly personal journey and require a great deal of thought about the future. There is much more that needs to be decided aside from who gets the house and other assets. For Nevada residents who have adult children with special...
Nevada residents of all ages need to think about estate planning
Many people put off estate planning under the disillusion that they are either too young or they do not have a valuable estate worth the time and money it takes to venture into the estate-planning process. However, everyone in Nevada should understand the purpose and...
Estate planning mistakes can have negative consequences
When people are going about their daily business, they may not be thinking about estate planning. However, thinking about estate planning is essential for adults of all ages who have assets they’d like to pass on to other people in the event of their death. Several...
Estate planning in Nevada isn’t a one-shot deal
The process of estate planning is essential for the protection of assets and beneficiaries. Most people consider it a job-well-done if they have taken the steps necessary to say they have tackled their estate planning needs. However, Nevada residents should realize...
Digital estate planning isn’t only for tech savvy youth
The estate planning process may lead a person to think hard about where all of his or her assets may really be and what may be important. While obvious assets such as houses, cars and bank accounts may be a part of the estate planning process for Nevada residents,...
Estate planning may be different for each Nevada resident
Many Nevada residents may be lucky enough to never experience an incapacitating illness or injury. However, as a person ages, the likelihood of such an experience could increase. Therefore, many residents may wish to be prepared and draw up important documents...