Whenever someone has specific ideas or plans for a certain amount of money after their passing, they may have a number of options. One viable option that ensures funds are given precisely to the intended beneficiary is the creation of a trust. However, creating a...
When Your Life Is On The Line
Trust Administration
The complication of trust administration and avoiding problems
Trust administration can be a complicated process for both the administrator and the family left behind. Those who wish to leave a trust, estate or inheritance for children and grandchildren likely have concerns regarding how to ensure their wishes are carried out...
Trust administration and the benefits of a living will
Estate planning can often be a complicated process and trust administration is equally complicated for a family after the death of a loved one. If a Nevada resident has concerns over trust administration, it may be beneficial to consider a living trust. There are many...
Nevada trust administration: Avoid probate with a living trust
Many people in Nevada are aware that there are important reasons to enter into estate planning. These include the limitation of costs for an estate and the desire to avoid the probate process. Some may consider creating a trust that can be used both while an...
Understanding trust administration
When considering estate planning, there are a number of options that Nevada residents may consider. Among these is the option of establishing a trust. Through a trust, one may be able to control how their money is spent even after they pass away. Understanding trust...
Trust administration dispute over oldest U.S. charitable trust
Nevada readers of this blog may be interested in a dispute involving the nation's oldest charitable trust. The trust, created 351 years ago before the founding of the country, set aside 35 acres of seafront property for the benefit of public school children. However,...
How trust administration can ease the national debt
Our state is often associated with a specific type of money-related activity -- gambling. However, if one retired teacher from our state has her way; Nevada may soon be associated with a very different money-related activity -- charity. More specifically, donations...
Dynasty trusts: trust administration for the wealthy
Trust administration for wealthy Nevada families is an important tool to help minimize ever-growing estate and gift taxes. Whether you are a successful business owner or have a sizeable estate, it is probably safe to say that you may have spent some time contemplating...
Trust administration and Domestic Asset Protection Trusts
Trusts and trust administration are important tools, and are available for people looking to protect their assets. Recently, with the passage of a new trust law in Hawaii, attention has focused on the use of what are called Domestic Asset Protection Trusts (DAPT). The...