Many of our readers in Florida may know that the vast majority of criminal cases are resolved with a plea agreement. There are many different ways these types of agreements can play out, such as agreeing to plead guilty to a lesser charge, or perhaps agreeing to plead guilty in exchange for a less severe sentence. However, there are some cases in which other options need to be considered.
Are you considering all of your options when it comes to the criminal defense strategy for your case? To do so, the first step is to consider the evidence that will be used by the prosecution to attempt to prove each element of the charge you face. And, on top of that, consider if the evidence is enough to prove each element of the charge “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Prosecutors are held to a high standard when a person’s freedom is on the line.
Furthermore, consider how the evidence in your case was obtained. Was it a search? If so, it is important to examine whether any constitutional protections were violated. If there were, it may be possible to get the case thrown out altogether.
At our law firm, we do our best to help our clients consider all available options that may be realistic for their criminal defense strategy. Pushing the case to a jury trial may not be an option in every case. But, not every case ends with a plea agreement either. For more information about how our law firm might be able to help in your case, please visit the criminal defense overview section of our website.