When Your Life Is On The Line

When Your Life is on The Line Talk to us Today

Tampa Post-Conviction Matters Attorney

Walking out of the courtroom after a conviction, many a defendant in a criminal case has believed the world just ended. Escobar, Michaels & Associates is not prepared to give up hope so easily. When it comes to Tampa post-conviction matters, lawyers at our firm frequently remind clients, “It’s not over until it’s over.” A guilty verdict does not signal that a battle for justice is over in our book.

Your Pursuit Of Justice Starts Here

  • Perhaps the punishment did not fit the crime, but rather, was inexcusably harsh and unreasonable.
  • An imposed sentence might have been illegal.
  • Perhaps you worked with a criminal defense lawyer who gave you incompetent counsel in some key aspect.
  • Perhaps there are reasons to argue that the trial court itself committed a legal mistake or error.

Many people convicted of crimes have found hope — and freedom after all — through appeals and other forms of post-conviction relief.

Hillsborough County Appellate Court Attorneys Ready To Remedy Injustice In The Courtroom

Escobar, Michaels & Associates in Tampa, Florida, sifts through all available avenues to remedy defective criminal justice outcomes and recommends the most promising routes to clients of the firm. Our lawyers may discover that you pleaded guilty involuntarily and, on that basis, petition the court to allow you to withdraw your guilty plea and start your trial over.

What Avenues To Post-Conviction Relief Are Most Promising? Ask Our Florida Appellate Lawyers To Review Your Case.

We are zealous criminal defense and appellate lawyers who will not stop searching for post-conviction remedies for our clients until no remedies remain. Contact us to schedule a consultation regarding our appeals and post-conviction legal services. We are highly experienced in our signature review process by which we tear apart a case and get “down to the studs.” From the beginning of a legal matter, whether it was a crash or a police stop, we review police reports, surveillance videos, courtroom transcripts and all other facts and evidence available.

Every legal matter is factually different. Our attorneys aim to become experts on a given case until we find the most promising post-conviction remedies for our clients. Did police or a criminal prosecutor commit technical errors? Upon discovery of key facts, we hold those to the light of established legal precedents or case law. By examining previous case outcomes involving similar principles, we offer our clients cutting-edge appellate and post-conviction representation.

How Can We Help You?

When you are serious about the legal matter you are facing and you want a team of aggressive lawyers on your side, call the Escobar, Michaels & Associates law firm in Tampa, Florida. Find out why clients have counted on our legal services since 1986.

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