Arson Defense Attorney

Arson involves willfully setting a building, dwelling, home, vehicle or other structure on fire. In Florida, arson can be charged as a first-degree or second-degree felony, depending on a number of factors. When a business or heavily insured building goes down in flames, law enforcement may suspect arson. If you are suspected of arson or have already been charged, you need an aggressive, skilled defense attorney on your side. At Escobar, Michaels & Associates, our attorneys have a strong track record defending people in Tampa and across Florida against all types of criminal charges.
Experienced Defense Against Arson Charges
Arson charges are unique in several ways. More often than not, arson charges are not based on eyewitness testimony. Instead, these charges are based on forensic evidence compiled by government arson investigators. If you are facing arson charges, you need investigators on your side as well. Our arson defense lawyers work closely with respected private arson investigators and forensic experts. Our investigators will get to the scene of the fire as soon as possible to review the evidence, test the evidence and determine what exactly happened.
Many fires that are originally considered to be arson are actually the result of a faulty electrical system, the everyday presence of flammable materials or other factors that show the fire was not started intentionally. When you work with our firm, we are fully dedicated to finding the evidence that will strengthen your case. In certain situations, we may be able to persuade the government not to file charges. Even if charges are filed, our attorneys will continue to bring the fight to the government, looking for every possible way to have your charges dismissed.
Contact Escobar, Michaels & Associates
Our tough, detail-oriented approach has resulted in positive results for people facing all types of allegations. Call or email our law firm to schedule your free initial consultation. Your pursuit of justice starts here.
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