Internet Sex Crime Defense Lawyer

Increasingly, the police are going online to investigate and apprehend suspected sex offenders through sting operations and other tactics. Any sexually related criminal charge has the potential to profoundly damage your reputation, your career and your family. In addition to a lengthy prison sentence and other criminal penalties, you could lose custody of your children, be forced to move from your neighborhood and end up divorced. You may also be required to register as a sex offender as a result of your sentence. With the magnitude of the consequences of these charges, it is vital that you have an aggressive and experienced legal team on your side to overcome these challenges.
Contact Escobar, Michaels & Associates today. Our Tampa law firm provides a vigorous, complete defense against all types of charges, including sex charges. We do not judge our clients based on what they are alleged to have done. Rather, we fight for our clients at every point in the process. When you hire our firm, you put the government on notice that you are taking your defense seriously.
Internet Sex Crime Attorneys Serving People Across Florida
Our law firm can defend against the full range of Internet-related sex crimes, including:
- Luring or solicitation charges
- Lewd and lascivious conduct
- Possession and/or distribution of child pornography
The key to a successful defense is a comprehensive investigation. Internet sex crimes can turn on the smallest of details. Our attorneys regularly enlist noted experts to find the details that can lead to positive outcomes. For instance, if you are accused of possessing child pornography, we work with forensic experts who can determine how the images could have ended up on your computer or, more importantly, if the government can prove how they got on your computer. These images could have been placed on your computer by someone else or inadvertently downloaded.
The fact is, you will not be able to prove these facts on your own. When you work with our team, our skilled investigators and defense lawyers will use our extensive experience and knowledge to give you the best chance of success.
Contact Escobar, Michaels & Associates
The sooner you call our Internet sex crime defense lawyers, the more options you will have in your defense. If you have reason to believe you are under investigation, talk to us immediately. Call or email our law firm today. Your pursuit of justice starts here.
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